Musikkarrangementer er krevende å
markedsføre, spesielt hvis du ikke har
store navn på plakaten. Når du har bestilt
lokalet og artistene, er det på tide å begynne
med markedsføring. Den prosessen skal starte
så snart som mulig.
Her får du topptips om hvordan du markedsfører
et musikkarrangement.
1. Ikke overse fysisk annonsering
46% av alle reklamer har blitt
online siden 2021. Vi bruker mye tid på
internett og ser på våre mobiltelefoner.
Men noen ganger er fortsatt tradisjonelle
metoder fortsatt de beste, og det å rekke
et lokalt publikum er en av de viktigste
fordelene. Det fins ikke noe mer tradisjonelt
for et musikkarrangement enn
fysisk annonsering.
ONOFFkultur er aktive medlemmer i Leve organisasjonen for etterlatte av selvmord. Vi ønsker å bidra til større åpenhet rundt vanskelige temaer som det å være etterlatt når noen har tatt sitt eget liv. Sammen får vi kunnskap og kan støtte hverandre, og bidra til å skape endring.
I 2018 tok 674 mennesker i Norge sitt eget liv. 117 av disse var over 65 år. 30 selvmord skjedde blant mennesker i aldersgruppen 80 år og oppover. Det estimeres fortsatt store mørketall, som kan skyldes manglende obduksjoner av eldre over 65 år. Når obduksjoner ikke gjennomføres, kan det føre til at dødsfall feiltolkes som sykdom eller annet. Det reiser spørsmål om at nysgjerrigheten for menneskers livskvalitet reduseres når livets slutt likevel nærmer seg. Forskere mener da også at selvmord blant eldre tas for lite på alvor i Norge.
As medicine, music is not without side effects – you can get addicted
and at the worst, be deaf. – Well, some chances in life you have to take,
Early on, I realized that music was VITAL for me, it comforts, calms,
and creates energy when you need it. In the dark hours, music has been
a lifesaver, holding my hand, like a nurse or a napkin
Music is totaly a individual experiences, and many of us feel that music has
a healing power. Music stimulates the mind so positively
that in some cases, music can actually cure depression. The case we mention
here is Keith Moon -the infamous, hyperactive drummer in The Who.
He with the mildly fluctuating mood. There could be a period between each time Moon felt down, but if he was going down, it was so serious that
he locked himself in to a room to be alone.
There he cured himself by playing records with The Beach Boys until he
got his mood back.
Terrible loss of people committing suicide inflicts grief and sorrow
down to a bottom level. Music has, with therapeutic abilities, it prevented
me from going completely black in my teenage. In such periods, the strong forces of music have kept me in control. When the mind rages with anger,
music has been a lifesaver to many of us.
Music is both joy and aid to the world, especially through making globally project. (Ref. Bob Geldof.)
“Since 1991, me and my husband has lost one brother each to suicide,
Knut Dagfinn, my older brother, a creative fashion-shop owner, died in 1991.
My brother in law, Gunnar, gave up all in 2011, a musician with broad instrumental skills.
Two men, both intense passionate involved with music.
They influenced our direction and platform of understanding music.
In 1991, when my brother left, the society was filled with shame,
and the subject was avoided, no one talked openly people committing suicide.
On our upbringing, from childhood to adulthood, music was a «patch» that youth in dysfunction families needed.
It took me 5 years to find a inner forgiveness, and move away form the guilt
end belife that I could have done so much more for my brother.
Suicide relatives struggles heavely with, many forms of guilt. I finally could
let go of the burden, and the worst grief in my life was over. The largest job was to forgive myself for letting my brother down.
With very little openness, and deep shame, my grief consisted
mostly of letting selfforgiveness come throug.
When the pin hits the vinyl, and music flows out in the room, you CAN reach a magic place,
where your insides* feel peace and comfort.»
I often use the «Moon method», especially in the winter, and I highly
recommend it. It is not crucial that you
choose Beach Boys (My first chioce is
calm King Crimson,
but many other bands and genders work as
music therapy. The important thing is
that you resort to the music you want
to listen to). In other words, music picked
out with the heart, not necessarily by reason.
And then…let the music «wander into, or
through you.»
Experience says that it never takes more than five minutes before the mood starts rising again. Should you get a relapse, just repeat thetreatment as much as needed.
Let’s not get hung up on the concept of quality. There is music for every
occasion, and there is good music in every genre. What is incomprehensible
or bad for some may be wonderful for others.
– That’s why I do not smile at people who find joy in what intellectuals characterize as bad music. One of the worst things that can happen to you is to know that the music you like is not worth listening to. Let it be very clear: All music that you like and that gives you something is worth listening to.
Brian Wilson has his own explanation for why music in itself has a healing power, and why it’s so important to listen to music.
– He says “The best music is the onethat gives you the feeling of being loved. Music that helps and heals.
” The explanation makes sense, and so did Keith Moon.
(Different guiltissues is a heavy weight on family members/relatives suffering
with suicide loss, an they often need to seek proffesional help)
Det er gøy å finne frem til riktig stemning til markedsføring av våre arrangement og konserter! ONOFFkultur kan lage rammen for et arrangement, der ønsker vi en kreativ prosess med alle involverte. Artister øsnker å spille foran så mange mennesker som mulig, de ønsker at det skapes en invitasjon som trigger deres publikum (fans). Vi produserer via Canva til alle digitale formater. Alle produkt lages fra bunnen individuelt. Vi er selektive når vi tar oppdrag, og Levi’s 501, som var jubilant med 150 år i 2023, er ganske slitesterke saker. Kanskje verdens eldste gjenlevende produkt, en holdbar metafor.